Tagged: occult

A Powerful Lunar Eclipse Synchronizes with the Winter Solstice

This one is sure to be a biggie as it falls just mere hours before the winter solstice, when our sun ‘dies’ each year. It will be visible in its entirety all across America shortly after midnight tonight and peaking at 3:17am EST.

So the Sun is dead and the moon is bleeding??

What is the meaning behind this strange happening in our sky? My intuition tells me it has to do with the transition into a new global paradigm to come within these next few months.

Based on the chart I drew up for the peak of the eclipse here in New York City, where I live, the sun and moon are opposite each other in the second and eighth house, the house of material possessions/the body and the house of money/the occult. As Wall Street is located in NYC, my feeling is that this is a sign of the coming(well actually ongoing) financial collapse. This eclipse is sort of a seal to the deal that began after the fall of the WTC twin towers on 9/11, symbols of Americas economic power.

The signs activated by this eclipse, Sagittarius and Gemini, also eerily echo this. Sagittarius represents religion and dogma, symbolized by the shooting centaur while Gemini is the astrological twin and rules mass media. Sound familiar? Religious fundamentalism in the shape of an arrow(plane) striking the twin towers while broadcast worldwide via mass media?? Strange indeed.

Another interesting note is that the eclipse falls at the last degree in the signs of Sagittarius and Gemini. The last degree of any sign is always the most potent, as it holds within it the pregnant wisdom of the completed cycle, which can now give birth to the next sign. So once again to review: we have the Sun at its lowest point in the sky and a total lunar eclipse happening in the last degree of the signs. Can someone say “The end is nigh!” any louder?! Well of course, the end is never really the end, just a transition into a new world and therefore carries within it the seed to begin anew.

Also, here are the Sabian symbols for this full moon lunar eclipse for those interested:

Sun is at 30º Sagittarius: THE POPE BLESSING THE FAITHFUL.

Moon is at 30º Gemini: A PARADE OF BATHING BEAUTIES.

Alexander McQueen and The Occult

March 17, 1969 – February 11, 2010

The news of McQueen’s death a few days ago hit me like a brick. He was my all time favorite designer and I owe so much of my earlier inspiration to him as a young art student. His style was one of a kind and always on the cutting edge. I fell in love with fashion because of his designs which were filled with epic drama and themes that went beyond just fashion. He was so much more than just a fashion designer but an artist in the highest sense of the word. He created a magickal world of fashion, symbols and mood which enveloped you entirely in his fantasy.

His death seemed to me highly strange, with too much synchronicity to be dismissed as a normal suicide. They count the numbers by 11s after all. I feel his death was a ritual sacrifice symbolized by the archetype of the Hanged Man card of the Tarot as he was found hanged in his closet(a nod to his homosexuality perhaps). Instead of regurgitating all the reasons why I think this, here’s a great research article into the occult behind McQueen’s work:


“When I’m dead, hopefully this house will still be going. On a spaceship. Hopping up and down above the earth.” -Alexander McQueen in LOVE

Living in a place called Synchronicity

I’ve recently had the pleasure of discovering the art of Paul Laffoley when I stumbled on his work over a week ago while listening to some third-eye opening music mixed by a very lovely psychedelic myspace friend. Check out the music here

Well after pouring over Laffoleys work online, I found out it was the last day of his exhibit at Kent Gallery in NYC!

I rushed there as soon as I could, barely making time as the paintings were just about to be taken down. The people working there were really nice and let a friend and I in while they worked and even gave me an enormous free poster of Laffoleys: DIMENSIONALITY: The Manifestation of Fate 🙂

I found his visionary work to resonate deeply with me as it wove a thread of synchronicity through various branches of knowledge, bringing it all together in diagrams of giant mandalas. The paintings featured everything from the I Ching to the occult.

And then I saw THIS painting:

I felt a wave of lucidity rush through me as I gasped and remembered the dream I’ve had a few years back of UFOs operating using the “Om” vibration. I even posted about it just days ago in my blog “Aum, Cymatics and the Word” before even hearing of Laffoley! You can’t see it but radiating from the UFO is a light mandala at the center of which is the word “Om”. The sacred Aum is the word which vibrates into existence all of creation, and Laffoley illustrated this perfectly as a rotating mandala!

I just love it when this happens! It is the fuel I need to keep searching, the assurance that all is unfolding exactly as it should on the grand cosmic scale.

I don’t now about you but I feel time speeding up. Patterns are emerging connecting people, events and ideas in a place outside of ordinary space-time. We are living in the in-between now, a dream we are all co-creating in the presence of the NOW.

I call this place Synchronicity. See you there!

Synchromysticism, 9/11 & Magick Ritual

Greetings, my friends!

Whether you are aware of it or not, you are all being initiated into the ‘New World Order’. Everyone feels it, although not all are conscious of the Time. Some of you will fight it, albeit vainly, the ignorant will sleepwalk through it, but only a select few will recognize the wake-up call and participate in the creation of it.

Let go of the fear of the unknown, simply listen to your higher self, go with the flow and see where it all leads. An open mind is key to unlocking the ability to see the patterns woven ever so delicately into the shroud veiling the spirit world.


I have long held the intuition that 9/11 was more than just a tragic incident. A deep esoteric aura surrounds this event, which shook the whole world as it was observed live by countless eyes. What happened was a grand magick ritual used to create a portal into a new world. The shock and awe that vibrated through the souls of millions fed the ritual, concentrating great energy to be used in shaping the future.

Not alone in my philosophy, there is a whole subculture that has taken fire known as Synchromysticism. The word was coined by Jake Kotze in August of 2006 in an article posted on his blog Brave New World Order, who defines it as “the art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance.”

It is the study of pop culture infused with the esoteric. The world of archetypes and symbols underlying our reality. The ancients had their myths, today we have the movies on the silver screen.

You will never watch a movie the same way again…