Tagged: creation

The Artist as Shaman


Jackson Pollock is one example of the Artist as Shaman in the modern world. Through his paintings, he entered a trance where unrestricted by technique, the subconscious had free reign.

Pollock’s paintings are artifacts brought back from his own travels into the underworld of archetypes, stemming from his years of Jungian psychoanalysis. Greatly influenced by his childhood explorations of the Navajo reservations in Arizona, his interest was reignited when he saw a MoMA exhibit on Native Americans in 1941. Turning to Jung and Shamanism, Pollock used art to heal the discord he felt within himself, as well as becoming a mirror of America at a time when we had finally faced the possibility of complete annihilation after the dropping of the first atomic bomb.

He never planned a painting but chose to enter it fully immersed in the moment of creation, walking through a fourth dimensional plane where time and space become superimposed and ancient archetypes dance on a borderless canvas dreamscape. The correlation between his paintings and Shamanism can be seen in his statement here:

“I don’t work from drawings or color sketches. My painting is direct. I usually paint on the floor. I enjoy working on a large canvas. I feel more at home, more at ease in a big area. Having a canvas on the floor, I feel nearer, more a part of a painting. This way I can walk around it, work from all four sides and be in the painting, similar to the Indian sand painters of the West. Sometimes I use a brush, but often prefer using a stick. Sometimes I pour the paint straight out of the can. I like to use a dripping, fluid paint. I also use sand, broken glass, pebbles, string, nails or other foreign matter. The method of painting is a natural growth out of a need. I want to express my feelings rather than illustrate them. Technique is just a means of arriving at a statement.

When I am painting I have a general notion as to what I am about. I can control the flow of the paint; there is no accident, just as there is no beginning and no end.”

His large scale paintings with their swirling chaotic paint drippings were at once both the dropping of the atom bomb as well as the artists own turbulent soul, a microcosm/macrocosm. The canvas strewn across the floor was his stage where he assumed the role of the Shaman with the ritual itself becoming in essence a shamanic dance with paint.

Aum, Cymatics and the Word…

Haven’t posted in a while.. I withdrew into my periodical solitude, a time that I use to harmoniously integrate what I have learned and recharge my spirit.

Now, let me tell you about this dream I’ve had of aum1spaceships hovering outside my window. I was observing the spinning saucers zip to and fro anxiously. They seemed as curious of me as I of them. Then all of a sudden, I felt a wave of lucidity travel through my body, a vibration arouse from the base of my spine and the ancient mantra AUM flew from my mouth. The spaceships stopped moving and hovered obediently in the air. It seemed I could control the spaceships with the sound of my voice. When I awoke, I knew this illumination was a key to the nature of reality.

Aum is the most powerful ancient mantra there is. It contains ALL of creation within it and is the cosmic glue holding our entire universe together.

Watch this video carefully:

The higher the frequency, the more complex the design. Now imagine all those frequencies that are beyond our range of hearing.

ALL is vibration. The subtle world of thoughts, seeps through the membrane dividing the spirit and material world to form reality in our image. Now watch your thoughts like a hawk for they shape your life.

This is why meditation is so important. It is a science of strengthening your awareness of vibration so that you can learn to create reality at will.

The Bible states,”In the beginning, the Word existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.” This is the same idea found in the Vedic scriptures attributing creation to AUM.

Now back to the spaceships that run on vibrations. Mainstream science dismisses the possibility of such advanced technology because it doesn’t yet acknowledge the spiritual world.

This is all going to change soon. With quantum physics, the new bad ass kid on the block, anything is possible and we are indeed on the verge of disclosure.

Once science and spirit merge, as in Atlantean times, we will see the rise of the Golden Age, when this technology will be freely available.

We are just now getting a glimpse of the dawn…
