Tagged: cymatics

Living in a place called Synchronicity

I’ve recently had the pleasure of discovering the art of Paul Laffoley when I stumbled on his work over a week ago while listening to some third-eye opening music mixed by a very lovely psychedelic myspace friend. Check out the music here

Well after pouring over Laffoleys work online, I found out it was the last day of his exhibit at Kent Gallery in NYC!

I rushed there as soon as I could, barely making time as the paintings were just about to be taken down. The people working there were really nice and let a friend and I in while they worked and even gave me an enormous free poster of Laffoleys: DIMENSIONALITY: The Manifestation of Fate 🙂

I found his visionary work to resonate deeply with me as it wove a thread of synchronicity through various branches of knowledge, bringing it all together in diagrams of giant mandalas. The paintings featured everything from the I Ching to the occult.

And then I saw THIS painting:

I felt a wave of lucidity rush through me as I gasped and remembered the dream I’ve had a few years back of UFOs operating using the “Om” vibration. I even posted about it just days ago in my blog “Aum, Cymatics and the Word” before even hearing of Laffoley! You can’t see it but radiating from the UFO is a light mandala at the center of which is the word “Om”. The sacred Aum is the word which vibrates into existence all of creation, and Laffoley illustrated this perfectly as a rotating mandala!

I just love it when this happens! It is the fuel I need to keep searching, the assurance that all is unfolding exactly as it should on the grand cosmic scale.

I don’t now about you but I feel time speeding up. Patterns are emerging connecting people, events and ideas in a place outside of ordinary space-time. We are living in the in-between now, a dream we are all co-creating in the presence of the NOW.

I call this place Synchronicity. See you there!

Aum, Cymatics and the Word…

Haven’t posted in a while.. I withdrew into my periodical solitude, a time that I use to harmoniously integrate what I have learned and recharge my spirit.

Now, let me tell you about this dream I’ve had of aum1spaceships hovering outside my window. I was observing the spinning saucers zip to and fro anxiously. They seemed as curious of me as I of them. Then all of a sudden, I felt a wave of lucidity travel through my body, a vibration arouse from the base of my spine and the ancient mantra AUM flew from my mouth. The spaceships stopped moving and hovered obediently in the air. It seemed I could control the spaceships with the sound of my voice. When I awoke, I knew this illumination was a key to the nature of reality.

Aum is the most powerful ancient mantra there is. It contains ALL of creation within it and is the cosmic glue holding our entire universe together.

Watch this video carefully:

The higher the frequency, the more complex the design. Now imagine all those frequencies that are beyond our range of hearing.

ALL is vibration. The subtle world of thoughts, seeps through the membrane dividing the spirit and material world to form reality in our image. Now watch your thoughts like a hawk for they shape your life.

This is why meditation is so important. It is a science of strengthening your awareness of vibration so that you can learn to create reality at will.

The Bible states,”In the beginning, the Word existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.” This is the same idea found in the Vedic scriptures attributing creation to AUM.

Now back to the spaceships that run on vibrations. Mainstream science dismisses the possibility of such advanced technology because it doesn’t yet acknowledge the spiritual world.

This is all going to change soon. With quantum physics, the new bad ass kid on the block, anything is possible and we are indeed on the verge of disclosure.

Once science and spirit merge, as in Atlantean times, we will see the rise of the Golden Age, when this technology will be freely available.

We are just now getting a glimpse of the dawn…
